Daïmo website

At Daïmo, we aim to offer an environment where all stakeholders can become the best version of themselves

Our vision is not just a goal for us, but an integral mindset embraced by every member of Daïmo.

It encompasses both personal development plans and customer improvement roadmap.

To guide us on this journey, we have established a set of unwavering values that serve as our roadmap. 

We are committed to upholding these values and steadfastly avoiding any deviation from them. 

Our ultimate aim is to become the best versions of ourselves, with a focus on creating a positive social and environmental impact. 

We strive for a world that embodies equity, equality, and a universal spirit of trust and respect.

We recognize that this journey towards self-improvement can vary from one stakeholder to another. 

Hence, Daïmo is dedicated to fostering the growth and success of both our customers and employees. 

That's why Daïmo strengthened its DNA with 2 mains principles

Daïmo as a continuous Lab

Operating as a Lab enables Daïmo to provide exceptional services to our customers and amazing opportunities for our members. Here is how the Lab mindset supports our vision.

Academic Partnership


As a lab, we continuously experiment, test, and improve our services. This experimental mindset leads to innovation and the development of cutting-edge solutions. By embracing new technologies and methodologies, we can stay ahead of the curve and offer innovative services that meet the evolving needs of our Customers and the environment they are evolving in.

Academic Partnership

Academic Partnership

Our Lab benefits from collaboration with UNamur and a PhD student associated with our organization working in BPM, thanks to a scholarship granted by SPW Recherche (Win4DOC). Together with our intense training program, this academic background keeps Daïmo at the forefront of BPM, allowing us to provide cutting-edge and highly accurate solutions to our clients.

Daïmo as Horizontal structure

Daïmo aspires to be a horizontal company where every member has the freedom to explore, develop, and experience any idea they may have. This approach brings several advantages for our community members

Selected partners


Our structure fosters collaboration, shared decision-making, and autonomy, which in turn boosts motivation among our members. We encourages a sense of ownership, accountability, and empowerment, leading to a higher level of investment and dedication to their work. 



Our horizontal structure encourages cross-functional collaboration, enabling employees to share their knowledge and skills. This exchange of expertise enhances the collective intelligence within Daïmo, leading to greater innovation and problem-solving capabilities. This collaborative work environment ensures that Daïmo members continuously learn from each other and grow their skills.

Selected partners

Selected partners

At Daïmo, we are dedicated to partnering with customers who align with our core values. Unlike traditional companies driven by undisclosed shareholders seeking dividends, our horizontal structure ensures transparency and accountability. By working exclusively with customers who share our vision for a better society, we can collectively drive meaningful change and create a lasting impact.

At Daïmo, we are committed to wholeheartedly embracing and putting our passions into action, allowing us to thrive and create meaningful impact.